Speaking with delegates at the 2020 Archiving Email Symposium. Photo by Mark Beatty
Samaras, E. 2021, 'Safeguarding digital telecinematic history and culture: Archiving film and television visual effects records', PhD thesis, University of Technology Sydney.
Jones, M., Tropea, R., Barrowcliffe, R., Cameron, A., Freeman, E., Lowry, J., Loxton, D, & Samaras, E., 2024, ‘Research and practice – A conversation,’ Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 52, no. 1.
Samaras, E. 2022, 'Archiving visual effects: Filling a digital void in the documented memory of film and television', Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 50, no. 2.
Samaras, E. 2021, 'Futureproofing visual effects: Challenges and strategies for preserving digital assets and records', International Journal of Digital Curation, vol. 16, no. 1.
Pennock, M, Day, M. & Samaras, E. 2019, 'Malware threats in digital preservation: Extending the evidence base', 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation iPRES 2019, Amsterdam.
Samaras, E. & Johnston, A. 2019, 'Off-lining to tape is not archiving: Why we need real archiving to support media archaeology and ensure our visual effects legacy thrives', Leonardo, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 374-380. [Winner of 2019 Mander Jones (Commended, Category 6) publication award].
Rolan, G., Humphries, G., Jeffrey, L., Samaras, E., Antsoupova T. & Stuart, K. 2019, 'More human than human? Artificial intelligence in the archive', Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 179-203.
Samaras, E. & Johnston, A. 2018, 'Fleeting film: Using story to seek archival permanence in the transitory and globalized digital visual effects industry', Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 12-22.
Samaras, E. 2022, 'Findings from a doctoral research project to investigate film and TV visual effects records and archiving practices', No Time to Wait! 6, 28 October, The Hague.
Samaras, E. 2022, 'Building digital archiving capability at National Archives of Australia', Here We Are Australian Society of Archivists Conference, 19 October, Canberra.
Samaras, E. 2021, 'Challenges and approaches for archiving (and appraising) visual effects industry records', Archives Amplified Australian Society of Archivists Conference, 15 September.
Samaras, E. 2020, 'Preserving the immaterial: Digital visual effects records and archiving', 9th International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (ICHORA), 27 October, Ann Arbor.
Samaras, E. 2020, 'Managing and preserving digital VFX', GLAMSLAM, 6 March, Sydney.
Samaras, E. 2020, 'Developing a practical end-to-end solution for managing email in Victorian Government', Archiving Email Symposium, 30 January, Wellington.
Samaras, E. 2019, 'Off-lining to tape is not archiving: Why we need real archiving to support media archaeology and ensure our visual effects legacy thrives', 46th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH), 30 July, Los Angeles.
Samaras, E. 2019, 'An archivist walks into a film VFX company...', 14th International Digital Curation Conference, 5 February, Melbourne.
Samaras, E. 2018, 'Archiving VFX: a research project to preserve evidence of film digital VFX production', No Time to Wait! 3, 25 October, London.
Bradshaw, E. & Samaras, E. 2023, 'Nineteenth thing: Digital preservation', 3 October, 23 Research Things, University of Melbourne.
Samaras, E. 2021, 'An eye-opening opportunity: Report from the 16th International Digital Curation Conference', 20 April, DPC Blog, Digital Preservation Coalition.
Samaras, E. 2020, 'Behind the screens: Preserving VFX records', 20 November, Things I'm Fonds Of.
Samaras, E. 2020, 'Lotus bloats: Preserving legacy email for good', 5 November, DPC Blog: World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD), Digital Preservation Coalition.
Samaras, E. 2019, 'The rate of change in the digital era is constant and ongoing: Interview with Simon Smith, National Film and Sound Archive of Australia', 14 October, Archivoz.
Samaras, E. 2019, 'Central to our mission is the encouragement of a deeper understanding of Melbourne’s modern design history: Interview with RMIT Design Archives', 28 August, Archivoz.
Samaras, E. 2019, 'With Map Warper we can turn pixels into real geographic information: Interview with Asa Letourneau, at Public Record Office Victoria', 31 July, Archivoz.
Samaras, E. 2018, 'Dealing with computer viruses in digital collections', 29 November, Collection Care Blog, British Library.
Samaras, E. 2018, 'Researching malware at the British Library', 4 October, DPC Blog, Digital Preservation Coalition.
Samaras, E. 2017, 'With great power comes great responsibility: the issue of neutrality in librarianship', 23 October, FAIR, Australian Library and Information Association.