Hi, I'm Dr Evanthia (Eva) Samaras. I'm a practitioner-researcher specialising in digital preservation, archiving, records and information management, and media production.
Presently I'm the Program Manager for Digital Preservation at the University of Melbourne and a Sessional Academic at University of South Australia. I've previously held archiving positions at the National Archives of Australia, Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Public Record Office Victoria. I've also undertaken teaching and research work at the British Library, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Charles Sturt University, RMIT University and University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
In 2021 I completed my PhD with the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) at UTS. My doctoral research built on my education and professional experience in archiving and media production. Through collaborations with global film and television visual effects companies, I explored and documented their digital recordkeeping and archiving practices, and developed recommendations for improvement.
I've also volunteered my services in support of scholarship and the wider GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) sector. I've been an editor for Archivoz, a peer reviewer for the International Journal of Digital Curation and the Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture journal. I was also a member of the Australian Library and Information Association’s New Generation Advisory Committee from 2014 to 2017, during which time I cofounded #AusLibChat.
During 2019 UTS FEIT awarded me with a Higher Degree Research (HDR) Excellence Award and a Female HDR Scholarship in recognition of my academic performance and research.
In 2020 I was awarded the Australian Society of Archivists' Mander Jones (Commended, Category 6) publication award, for my 2019 paper, 'Off-lining to tape is not archiving'.
Most recently two projects I contributed to at the University of Melbourne were bestowed with 2023 Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards from Public Record Office Victoria.